Eds Tree Care Fire Mitigation
Wildfire Mitigation

Wildfire Mitigation

Wildfire mitigation is vital in protecting your house against wildfires. Drought conditions, overgrown forests are the recipe for a wildfire that destroys homes, properties, put people’s lives at risk. Wildfire is unpredictable and dangerous but we can help you take steps to protect your house by wildfire mitigating your property.

Wildfire mitigation is all about creating a defensible space around your house. Defensible area is an area around a structure where fuels and vegetation are cleared or reduced to slow the spread of wildfire toward the structure. It consists of 3 zones which require different levels of wildfire mitigation.

Contact Us Today

If you would like to request a quote on wildfire mitigation of your property, please contact Ed Ward at 303.681.2092 or click the button below.