Scrub Oak

Scrub oak is widely spread across southern Colorado as well as along foothills, almost all the way to Denver. Its dense and very resistant nature makes it unpopular among many homeowners. I have customers calling it a pest that spreads everywhere. I agree that unmanaged scrub oak can be very unattractive. Fortunately, it is possible to get it under control by scrub oak pruning & clearing.

Eds Tree Care Scrub Oak Removal
Scrub Oak​
  • Wildfire mitigation
  • Lot Clearing
  • Defensible Space creation
  • Fence line clearing
  • Dead, diseased, or storm damaged scrub oak trees

Scrub oak pruning and clearing not only has esthetic benefits but also safety and health ones. When you have scrub oak removal done, you protect your property against wildfire.

The trick to remember with scrub oak is that it needs to be maintained every year and do not let it take over the property again.

  • We are insured and licensed
  • We use professional equipment to remove scrub oak efficiently and economically
  • We have scrub oak removal experience

Contact Us Today

For all scrub oak removal questions, contact us today at 303.681.2092 or click the button below to speak with our experts, and we will be glad to discuss your scrub oak clearing needs with you.